
So we are finally seeing some loosening of the restrictions that have kept us home for the past few months. This means I can finally grab my gear and head out to take some fresh material.

Back in December I mentioned that I drove out to Fernshaw for a scouting mission, well 2 weeks ago I returned to take some photos. The idea I had rattling around my head was to come back on a foggy morning, to take some photos in and around the Black Spur.

This part of Victoria is simply stunning; definitely worth the 90 minute drive. And on the day I ventured out with my camera, the weather really turned it on. I don’t mean the temperature, it was 2 degrees. But as the day broke and the mist descended upon the landscape I managed to capture a variety of different moods .

I have chosen to share 4 images this month 😉

A few more weeks and the days start to get longer. Stay safe and keep warm. More photos are coming in July.